– We can ramp up quickly, without a lot of work necessary from you. We can usually get started with a couple emails or a short call to find out exactly what you are looking for, and a couple keys to the game. We won’t eat up significant amounts of your dev time.
– If you choose to work with us, you’d list us as part of your team like any other staff or contractors.  Players won’t see us as a separate entity set up as a firewall between you and them, because we won’t be.
– We are NOT publishers. While we have some similarities to publishers, this is your game, and you keep all IP rights. We’re simply here to help you make your game better, and help you continue to make more games.



Josh Knapp


Josh started doing community management with; where he helped grow the community from several hundred thousand user accounts to more than two million. Later, he moved on to Arcen Games; largely doing community management and QA while there. He also got design credits on three titles while at Arcen. Josh also spent time working in the QA department at Funcom; working on their MMO title LEGO Minifigures Online and the mobile port of “The Longest Journey”.

Erik Johnson


Erik graduated from Washington State University with a degree in Theater Arts and has since pursued a career as a writer and filmmaker in Los Angeles. He has worked in the LAUSD school system, for marketing agency DEI Worldwide, and as a freelancer for various print and online press outlets before discovering a desire to play, share, and create video games for a living. Wearing both the industry journalist and developer hat, he fancies himself an evangelist of indie games in general and the amazing community behind it.

Damien Smith


From 2015-2017 Damien contributed to gaming website before returning to his YouTube to continue his journalism independently. He uses his critical analysis experience to help developers find potential flaws and improve their games with mock reviews. When he isn’t working for the IndieBros, you can find him spending time with his partner Karen and their family; reviewing indie games on his YouTube channel, cooking & writing among many other interesting and hobbies.


Craig Davies


Craig has been a fan of gaming since he first started playing Pong as a child and throughout many different eras of videogames, from the ZX Spectrum through to the Dreamcast and beyond. After witnessing the lows and highs of his favorite game developer’s struggles in the games industry he gained a fascination with figuring out how best to make a difference. To this end, you’ll find him researching many versatile areas of the industry including platform visibility, release scheduling, advertising, public relations, press contacts and any other areas required.

Steven Mueller


Steven, better known as Bumpy McSquigums, has been a content creator on YouTube and Twitch for over 6 years. 

As a life long gamer, it was his inability to work while going through immigration from the US to Canada that made him start on YouTube. He loves bringing light to the games he plays and shares his experiences with them every day. He currently resides in New Brunswick with his wife Kim, and their pupperz Katie. You can always find him trying to dig himself out from under his mountain of backlogged games and coverage he’s trying to get through.


Timothy Wetzel


Tim got his start in indie gaming with titles such as AI War: Fleet Command, Defense Grid: The Awakening and Bastion. Games which ignited an enduring passion for the scrappy industry. He brings his analytical review skills, technology career and years of QA experience to assist with improving and selling the final game in the best light possible. 

In his off-time you can find him either buried in a multi-hour-long 4X session, exploring a strange new world or catching Pokémon in the world around us. Currently residing in Durham, NC. 

Ryan Matejka


Following his passion for writing and persuasion, Ryan graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a degree in Advertising. While honing his copywriting and content-writing skills in various professional settings over the years, he also quickly worked to embed himself in the indie game industry by becoming a writer and exhibitor for the Cook, Serve, Delicious! series and making connections within the industry.

He’s since become a jack of all trades by gaining experience creating and managing written, graphic, and video content for social media and writing store page descriptions, press releases, newsletters, and more. He also manages a blog-newsletter hybrid that educates game developers on the craft and importance of quality video game writing.

He spends his spare time reading, writing, hiking, cycling, and spending time with his partner and two children in the upper Midwestern United States.”